Dear CERI Community, 

June is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) awareness month. PTSD is a mental health condition that can occur to anyone and at any point of one’s life after experiencing or witnessing traumatic events such as accidents, violence, natural disasters, among others.  PTSD is triggered by the extreme terror, and helplessness experienced during such events.

"Sometimes when I hear a noise like [the noise of] the garbage truck in the morning, it sounds like a tank. It scares me and immediately brings me back to of the war in Cambodia."

Chat, CERI's community member and Genocide surviver

At CERI we work with clients who have been affected by war, genocide, torture, and other forms of extreme violence many of them survivors of the Khmer Rouge Genocide.  They currently experience PTSD and receive treatment and support at CERI to address its symptoms.  Over the years we have used a variety of treatment modalities that are culturally responsive and sustaining. One of these methods is expressive arts therapy. 

In this short video, our Wellness in Action program director, Patricia Rojas-Zambrano explains what expressive art therapy is and how it helps with PTSD. 


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