During this time of gratitude, we rely on the wonderful tradition of Giving Tuesday -- this year on November 30th. But you don’t have to wait until then! Please consider a gift now to CERI, to support all the work we do every day of the year.
Leading from our hearts is at the center of CERI’s community mental health and wellness approach. CERI was founded on an impulse of the heart: to hold forgotten refugees in healing from trauma. Providing a safe space for refugees and immigrants is a longtime commitment, and many are in need of services even years after arriving in the US. We are here for the long term. CERI came into being in 2006 to serve Cambodian refugees who were still suffering from trauma, depression, flashbacks and panic attacks - as survivors of the Khmer Rouge genocide. CERI began by providing individual and group support to elder Cambodians. Today, CERI has grown to a community-based mental health and social services agency, serving hundreds from many communities. We serve children, teens, young mothers, queer people, refugees who have been deported or who face deportation, elders, and families. We are cultivating the next generation of community mental health leaders and reaching diverse refugee and immigrant communities, including Burmese, Vietnamese, Tibetan, Bhutanese, Indian, Nepali, Rwandan, Filipinx, and Latinx populations. In total, we serve 400 families and 300 individuals each year, and are building a diverse staff, who speak 15 native languages, and can relate to the lived experiences of refugee and immigrant communities and address cultural and linguistic needs of refugee and immigrant families. CERI is expanding to include Afghan refugees who have made their way to the United States since the fall of Kabul on August 15th. Leading from our hearts, we collectively prepare to meet the needs of Afghan arrivals and we hope you will find it in your heart to join us. ~ With love from the CERI community