Rita Phang

MSW Intern for Stop the Hate Program

Rita comes from a family of Chinese-Vietnamese refugees and was raised in the Bay Area. Her family’s history has deeply influenced her identity and interest in connecting and working with the southeast asian community. Her experience has included providing mentorship and advocacy for Southeast Asian young women; navigating the healthcare system with children and families with cancer diagnoses; and providing intensive case management services for adults experiencing houselessness. She is committed to holding space for diverse mental health needs, ensuring access to essential resources, and navigating and addressing the impact of systemic oppression. She is passionate about holding space for community members through a relational and strengths based lens, and supporting individuals in the process of recognizing their innate wisdom. She enjoys tying in art as a tool to explore healing through creative expression, as well as a way to articulate thoughts outside the realm of verbal communication. In her free time, Rita enjoys hiking with her dog, crafting, and tending to her plants.
